5 Types of Imposter Syndrome at Work

5 types of imposter syndrome


businesswoman talking on mobile at work

You’d never know it! This woman looks super confident but actually experiences Imposter Syndrome.

Imposter syndrome at work happens to the best of us! Find out how counselling can help restore your confidence.
Do you doubt your achievements?

Or have the idea that you might not deserve everything that you have right now?

Have you ever thought you’ll eventually be ‘found out’ ?

When you worry you're not as good as they seem to think you are.............

That's what imposter syndrome feels like.
Dr. Valerie Young , an expert in imposter syndrome has defined 5 different ways it can show up. Do you recognize any of these in yourself?

1. The Perfectionist

You set extremely high standards for yourself and beat yourself up when you don't reach perfection.

2. The Expert

You feel you "should" know absolutely everything in your area of expertise and feel shame when you don't.

Imposter syndrome chart definitions From book Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™ by Valerie Young, Ed.D.

3. The Natural Genius

You've always had a reputation for having a certain "natural talent" . You tell yourself that everything must come easily; when it doesn't you fear you may have lost (or maybe never really had) your 'natural talent'.

4. The Soloist

You believe work must be accomplished alone. In order to take credit for any accomplishment you feel you must complete it without any assistance. If you received any kind of assistance, your contribution is negated, and you have failed.

5. The Super Human

You believe you should be able to excel at every role you take on in your life, or you are a failure.

Imposter syndrome at work definition s From book Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™ by Valerie Young, Ed.D.

Do any of the 5 types of imposter syndrome seem familiar to you?

Many highly successful people suffer from imposter syndrome at work and in their personal lives.

Having high standards and aiming high are great qualities that contribute to success. It's the lack of flexibility and shame that are harmful, and actually prevent you from accomplishing all that you can.

Counselling can help you overcome imposter syndrome and the shame and anxiety that go with it. This often involves examining early childhood messages, reframing belief systems and developing a growth mindset.