Your next steps to a balanced, calm, and joyful life

Thinking about counselling? Take the best next steps for mental health and wellness

If you are considering counselling the next step you should take is to find a counsellor that is a good fit for you.

Research shows that one of the most important factors for successful outcomes in counselling is a good fit between the counsellor and client. It is important that you work with a counsellor that you feel comfortable with and who is qualified to meet your needs. Counsellors should have a Masters degree and be certified to with an accredited organization such as the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. You should feel comfortable with your counsellor and also know that your counsellor will provide you with accountability to help you reach your goals and will challenge and support you.

If you are considering counselling in Fernie, South Country or the Elk Valley, take the next step to set up a brief appointment for us to connect. You can do this easily online using the "JaneApp" system. Just click the link below. You can set up a brief free "discovery call" with me so that we can have a quick chat about the issues and goals you have. You will have a chance to get to know me a little and to see if we are a good fit. Here's the link - take a look and book a free discovery session.
It's important to know that a discovery call isn't a counselling session. It's simply a chance to ask questions, and briefly get to know one another. At the end of the call we will set up your first counselling session or I may refer you to another professional who can better meet your needs.
Many people like to have a discovery call as a way to dip your toes in the water before you take a leap into counselling. It's a chance to hear my voice and ask any questions you may have. However if you have already experienced counselling and/or you want to get started right away, just book your first regular 60 minute session right away. It's up to you and your comfort level.

Our first counselling session

While the discovery session is about 20 minutes and is online or by phone, our first counselling session can be in-person in Fernie, South Country or other location, or it can be virtual or on the phone.

This first regular counselling session is an intake session. At an intake session we will go over in more detail the issues you are currently facing, your history, the challenges you have experienced and the goals you have. I create a custom framework to ensure that my specialized processes are a fit for you.

We will set up a counselling plan and schedule with goals and check-n milestones. We will set up a schedule of regular appointments to ensure that you make progress and that we can build momentum and engage a sense of regularity and accountability. For most clients this means we will meet once a week at first and then may expand to meeting once every two weeks. If you work shift, we will take that into account as we set up your schedule.

Typically my clients are busy people who are dedicated to improving their lives and who know how important it is to to make a commitment to invest in themselves.

This means putting your own mental, emotional and personal health as a priority and setting aside the time and resources to support your own health and well being. Doing so also has the benefit of making you more effective at work, a better partner, friend or parent in your relationships as well.

Next Steps to take to start your counselling journey

Start Here - Intake

During our first session together, we get to know one another, discuss your current situation, challenges and goals. We explore options to move forward.


If we are a good match for one another, our next step is to create a better understanding of who you are, what issues you are concerned about, your strengths, vulnerabilities, what your hopes, dreams and goals are.  

We may use a variety of tools to fully explore your history, values, symptoms, background, personality and learning style.

Build a Plan

We collaborate to build a step by step plan for you to achieve your goals, conquer your demons, learn new skills and live your dreams.



We work together in partnership through sessions which can take place in office, outdoors, through video conference or by phone. 

I bring tools, confidentiality, listening, feedback, techniques, reflections and accountability.

You bring your commitment and willingness to learn, grow and develop.


We measure progress and regularly review to be sure we are on the pathway that feels best for you. You are in charge of your life and of our sessions.

Counselling timeline depends on your goals and the nature of the issues you are dealing with. Most people can expect to participate in counselling for at least 8 to 12 sessions.



We celebrate your progress and ensure ways to maintain all of the positive changes in your life.


Many busy professionals prefer virtual video sessions from the comfort of their home or office. This provides convenience, no commute, and flexibility. However, I also love to see clients in person in my office spaces in Fernie and South Country. We can combine these options as suitable.

Your counsellor and coach:
Virginia Purcell MSc Clinical Psychology
Canadian Certified Psychotherapist